Database and validation
– tools and services

HiQ-LCA aims to deliver an independent, high-quality LCA database for use in industrial battery LCA case studies. This database strives to be transparent and provide data that is accepted across the value chain, using documented methods for estimations that are scientifically-based, industrially validated and transparently reported. LCA data on raw materials supply, production and recycling processes for batteries and their value chains shall be generated via the LCA companies, the OEMs and associations in the project advisory board, external sources as well as simulation and modelling.


To evaluate environmental impacts of batteries, OEMs progressively apply commercial LCA tools. With increasing requirements on regularity and quality of conducted LCA-studies, commercial software reach their limits in usability due to the limited quality of the LCA datasets used in the modelling. Therefore, both databases and LCA-tools have to be developed/adapted to provide fast results and insights and to support decision-making towards eco-design solutions and carbon footprint requirements of the OEMs. The push for sustainability and LCA will lead to a greater need for LCA services in Europe and around the globe, such as technology material production route modelling, impact mitigation services and third party validation of LCA models. This is not novel, but there will be an increase in demand for these services due to the interest in supply chain transparency from buyers and private persons.


To evaluate environmental impacts of batteries, OEMs progressively apply commercial LCA tools. With increasing requirements on regularity and quality of conducted LCA-studies, commercial software reach their limits in usability due to the limited quality of the LCA datasets used in the modelling. Therefore, both databases and LCA-tools have to be developed/adapted to provide fast results and insights and to support decision-making towards eco-design solutions and carbon footprint requirements of the OEMs. The push for sustainability and LCA will lead to a greater need for LCA services in Europe and around the globe, such as technology material production route modelling, impact mitigation services and third party validation of LCA models. This is not novel, but there will be an increase in demand for these services due to the interest in supply chain transparency from buyers and private persons.


The innovative battery LCA database will be commercialized by the well-known database organization ecoinvent in 2025 to assure compatibility and broad distribution channels via various LCA tools and softwares. The potential for valorization of LCA tools services based on the improved data through a joint venture, between CellCircle, Minviro and BRGM, will be explored through the project.